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  • It's compulsory for each Competitor wether SOLO or a CREW member to fill out a registration form below. CREW members will need to specify their Crew Name.
  • Entry Fees:​
    • SOLO R150.00 per dancer

    • Crew R100.00 per member

  • If you are under 18yrs you will need to specify Parent/Guardian details wether you are entering Solo or as Crew member.
  • When registration form is submitted you will receive a confirmation email with MGHHDA Banking details for immediate payment.
  • Entry will only be deemed valid once we receive a completed registration form with all required fields and full payment.

  • By registering for any category you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms & Conditions set out below.

  • Should you need clarification on anything please contact MGHHDA: Tel 0791877001/ Email


  • Street Dance Battle is managed and run solely by MGHHDA which will be hosted in the main arena at the idle AUTO FEST event.

  • Spectator Entrance into idle AUTO FEST is FREE for all BUT registration is mandatory. Please click on the Quicket logo below to BOOK Free passes for you and your family. 


Thank you for registering! You will receive a confirmation email with payment details also please don't forget to register for your Free Spectator passes by clicking on the Quicket logo below.

quicket logo_edited.png
Terms & Conditions


In these terms,

MGHHDA means Mario Gomes Hip Hop Academy.

The "Competitor" means the dancer that will be partaking in the competition or their parents/guardian as the representative

The "Organiser" means "Boost Media Industries Pty Ltd" 

The "Landlord" means Mall Of Africa and any company associated thereof


  1. I fully understand and accept that participation in Street Dance Battle that is run solely by MGHHDA shall be undertaken at my own / my child’s own risk.

  2. I hereby authorise MGHHDA/The Organisers to act on my behalf in respect of any circumstances pertaining to any accident, illness or misfortune arising from, during, or in connection with the above activity in the manner that MGHHDA/The Organisers in their absolute discretion deem fit. I fully accept complete liability for all expenses incurred thereby or in connection therewith.

  3. On behalf of myself, our heirs, the child and our executors, we hereby undertake to and hereby do indemnify, absolve and hold harmless MGHHDA/The Organisers/ The Landlord against any loss in respect of all claims, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever, that may arise in the course of, in connection with, the above activities, howsoever arising and whether as a result of negligence or otherwise.

  4. All competitors/dancers will need to sign an indemnity at show prior to competing. 

  5. Entry Fees are: Solo R150 Per Dancer, Crew R100 Per Member

  6. All Entry Fees need to be paid on presentation of invoice or no later than 21 days prior to the event. No Entries will be accepted on the Day.

  7. Entry Fees do not include Transport, Food, Refreshments, Clothing, Accommodation. All extra costs will be at the Dancers Expense.

  8. The Competition Organisers & Partners of the above-mentioned Competition are not responsible for

  9. any theft, injury or loss of life that may occur at or around the Competition Premises.

  10. Rights of Admission Reserved.

  11. Copyright exists on all choreography, music and videos of Street Dance Battle.

  12. Parents, Dancers or Crew member’s at the Event give Street Dance Battle the Rights to use any Images or Music of Dancers entered into the Street Dance Battle.

  13. No spectators or parents allowed on stage. Dancers/Crew Leaders/Teachers ONLY!

  14. Street Dance Dress Code: Any age appropriate HIP HOP street training wear/clothes. SNEAKERS/SHOES ARE COMPULSORY! Incorrectly dressed Dancers will not be allowed to participate.​

  15. Due to the event being an open aired exhibition the MGHHDA/The Organizer/The Landlord will not be held responsible for any natural disasters, such as rain, hail, thunderstorm, electric storm, fire etc.

  16. The Organiser reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion, should the venue become unusable for whatsoever reason, to relocate to a new venue in the best interests of the exhibition as a whole, and furthermore subject to the terms and conditions of this  agreement and the Organiser shall not be held  liable  for  any  loss  or  damage,  of  whatsoever  cause and  howsoever arising in the event of a relocation.

  17. The Organiser reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion, should the dates become unsuitable for whatsoever reason, to reschedule the dates to a time more advantageous to the success of the exhibition as a whole and the competitor agrees to be bound by such  dates and the Organiser shall not be held  liable  for  any  loss  or  damage,  of  whatsoever  cause and howsoever arising in the event of a rescheduling.

  18. The Competitor hereby authorises MGHHDA/The Organiser/The Landlord to use the competitors name/photographs for promotional purposes or to submit these to the Organisers media partners, and in so doing, MGHHDA/The Organiser/the Landlord  undertakes not to use such details in a derogatory fashion or manner.


Do not hesitate to contact our team to discuss a possible collaboration/event management or learn more about the show and see how we can work together to grow the industry....


TEL (office hours only)

061 449 7851

061 448 5524



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